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The Carbon team is committed to helping members of the IBM community be successful. Find meetups for leveling up your skills, connecting with your peers, and getting reviews on work in progress.

events design playback

Weekly design playbackFridays, 12–1pm Central

For IBMers only: You’ve got some work in progress and you’re ready to open it up and share it with a broader audience for honest (and caring!) feedback. Verify that you’re working with the grid correctly, that you’re using the right components, that you’re using the correct language. Sign up to share, or come along to see other work in progress and learn that way.

meetups data viz

Data visualization weekly playbackWednesdays, 11am–12pm Central

For IBMers only: Are you designing a product with data visualization needs? These weekly playback calls are a chance for us to have dataviz stakeholders present, discuss design explorations, gather feedback and business unit requirements, and determine next steps on requested components or functionality.

events insiders

Carbon InsidersFirst Thursdays, 9:00am–10:00am Central

For IBMers only: A monthly meeting for teams building on top of Carbon to discuss best practices, identify areas of reuse, and bring up things the Carbon team can do to make their jobs easier. This group helps out with Carbon’s release cycles to detect breaking changes.

events pinup

Design pin-upsContact us to schedule

For IBMers only: Put your screens up in MURAL and step through the flow and page designs with the Carbon designers. Great for assessing the overall flow, page layouts, the best choices and use of components, content—everything from the big picture to the smallest detail! Usually two or more hours.